"It's 6am ...
The alarm clock shocks me out of my slumber, and I have no strength to throw it against the wall ...
I'm so tired ... I do not want to work today ...
I want to stay at home, cooking, listening to music, singing ...
If I had children, spend the morning playing with them, if I had a dog, walking him around the neighborhood ...
Aquarium? Watch the fish swim ...
If I had time ... I would like to stretch ...
Make sweets...
Anything but get out of bed and having to engage first gear and put my brain to function.
I wonder who was the fool, the unhappy mother of feminists who had the stupid idea of claiming rights of women ... I wonder
WHY she did this to us who were born after her ...
Everything was so good at the time of our grandparents ... they did embroidery, exchanged recipes with friends, taught each other secrets of sauces and seasonings, home remedies, read good books from the libraries
of their husbands, decorated the house, pruned trees, planted flowers, picked vegetables from the gardens, raised children, attended soirees, FINALLY, life was a great course of crafts, alternative medicine and cooking.
Then came the army of Erica's and Susan's who did not like their bra nor corset, and infected a number of other inconsequential rebels with fancy ideas about " conquering our space"!
What space, my dear lady??
You had the whole house, the neighborhood, and the world at your feet.
Had complete dominion over men, they depended on you to eat, to get dressed, for everything! What kind of rights did you claim?
As a consequence of their bra burning activities and such, all men are confused, they do not know what roles to play in society, avoiding us like the devil flees from the cross ...
This game of yours has just increased the number of our daily errands and duties, that is. And has thrown us into the dungeon of acute singleness. Previously, marriages lasted forever...
WHY WHY ???.. The female sex had it all and better, they just needed to be fragile and delicate, to be ladies. What possessed them to compete with the male sex ? Look at the size of their biceps, and look at the size of ours. On that observation alone, it was obvious that it would not work!
I can not stand being forced to make daily ritual of brushing my hair, makeup, moisturizers , choosing what clothes to wear, what shoes match, what accessories to use ...
So tired of having to hide my mood, to leave my sanctuary of my home,
always running, to be put at risk of being robbed, run over to die, spend the day siting in front of the computer with the phone to my ear, solving problems that are not mine!
And as if that were not enough, be monitored and criticized (even by myself) to be always in shape without stretch marks or cellulite, shaved,waxed(ouch) smiling, smelling nice, with nails done, not to mention the impeccable resume, filled with masters degrees, doctorates, and specialties (ufffffffffffffffffff !!!!!!!). ..
We have become these superwomen robots that still continue to earn less than men ...
Wasn't it much better just knitting in a rocking chair?
ENOUGH ALREADY !!!... I want someone to pay my bills, open the door,
pull the chair for me to sit down, send me flowers, cards
full of poetry, serenade me at my window ... oh, my God, it's already 6:30, I have to get up !...,
There's more, I want someone who comes home from a hard day of work, sits on the couch, put his feet up and says
"Baby, bring me some coffee please?"
I discovered that I was born to serve.
You think I'm joking about this? I'm serious! I am resigning from my position of "modern woman" ....I'm DONE!
I will switch with Suzy Homemaker. Anyone else interested?